Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Journal Jar #4 write about how a prayer was answered

Well I have 3 that I will never forget. The first one was when Josh and I pulled my IUD out. I had wanted another baby for sometime. So we decided that we were going to pull it out, and try to have baby #3. With in months I could tell that I was pregnant. I wanted to be sure, so I prayed about it.

I don' t know about you but I am the type of person who makes myself think my pray is being answered, so I prayed that I would have a feeling like I have never felt before. After I was done, I couldn't go to sleep so I just laid there quite not to wake Josh. Just relaxing, when the most warm chills spread throughout my body. I knew for sure that Heavenly Father was telling me that I was pregnant.

The second time was when we wanting to move out of my families home. We had lived with them 2 times, and we just wanted a place of our own. I was getting so frustrated, because we had looked for a year, and found nothing. I prayed and said Heavenly Father I am done looking for houses. We just can't find any that feel right. Please help me know when we have found our home.The next day I got a call from the RSP in our ward telling me of a house in the ward. The people wanted to sale it fast. We called and when I walked into our house I said to Josh, THIS IS IT!!! Everything fell into place. We got the home all on our own. 0 money down. I was so excited.

The third time was about getting a job. I had stopped working and Corner 22 and was not liking being home. I prayed and asked Heavenly Father for help finding a job, the next day My little buddy Austyn's mom called asking me if I wanted to watch her again.

1 comment:

we said...

love this! i love when you feel the spirit so strong that you KNOW that Heavenly Father loves you and is mindful of you. best feeling in the world!