Wednesday, September 29, 2010

JJ#8 What Childhood experiences do you remember

There are a couple.
When I was two and a half my parents got divorced. The only memory I have of that is walking up the stairs of the court house holding my grandmas hand. I was wearing a beautiful navy blue and white stripped dress. I am kind of glad that that's the only memory I have.

In the fall time we would order wood. Our friend would go cut down trees, and sell the wood. We always got some. He would pull in to the long driveway and we would make a chain. We would unload it, and stick in on the side of the house. I loved the smell.

Christmas at the Freeman's was always something to remember. When you would walk into the living room there was only one tiny path to walk. Everything else was covered in presents.

When I was about 3 I had to have my tonsils out. That is one time that I can remember my dad spending time with just me. He would hold me in the big brown lazy boy chair downstairs, and just rock me. We would eat ice cream and Popsicles.

When Tom and I were about 7 and 9, we went and visited my mom. We may have been younger. She had gotten a phone call so she went inside her trailor. I don't know why, but we had some matches, and we almost set the trailor on fire. The whole box started on fire. We were laughing so hard. She never found out.


we said...

that's a cute memory about you and tom! you know those trailors can go up in flames and burn down in 11 seconds! grammy tought us that when we lived with her in her trailor for the summer!

Liz said...

what fun memories. glad you didn't burn down the trailer too!