Thursday, October 2, 2008


As many of you know, Josh has been working out of town for a couple of months now, I think since the middle of June. And I am getting sick and tired of him being gone. He was supposed to come home on Wednesdy, he called and said that he needed to stay until Friday. I was ok with that, not really, but I could deal. Now he will come home late Saturday night.
While I was talking to him on the phone I got a little frustrated. I feel like there has been a lack of support for him on this project and because of that the project has struggled.
Where do you draw the line? Everyone has to work, but looking back when Josh was in school he chose not to be a Chemical Engineer because it would take too much time away from me and the kids. But I look at our life now and think gosh we have hardly seen him since mid June.
Yea, the money has been nice, But I miss seeing my husband everynight,I miss having dinner as a family, and miss having him next to me in bed.
When he does come home for 2-3 days it's football for our son, and church. I hate going around family,first of all because I don't want to share him, and second because it's all work. His dad and mom own the company, and we have sisters and a cousin, and a brother-in -law working there. So most the time the conversation is about work.
I love working for family,don't get me wrong. The relationship that has been built is great. The knowldge that Josh has learned is awesome. His is great at his job and everyone loves him. We have been with the company durning it's hard years, and it is nice to see it doing so well. I just get tired of Josh being gone all the time. I know I need to grow up, and I feel like I have, but I also feel like our relationship has changed a lot. Things are different. I have realized that life will go on with out Josh, and that I will be ok, and the kids will be ok. But this job has lasted way too long.

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