Thursday, August 21, 2008

Where does the time go?

I can remember being a kid, and how it seemed like it took forever for school to get out. The week went by so slow and there was never anything to do. Christmas always took forever to come and so did my birthday.
Now being a parent, it seems like I don't have enough time to do all the things that are needed and before I know it school is in and Christmas is right around the corner.
My summer is gone, and school starts monday. My oldest is in 7th grade. It feels like he was just born, and my baby is in kindergarten. I am not sure I am ready for that. I am so used to having her home with me, just hanging out going to lunch and visiting my grandma. Where has the time gone?
I have been married for 13 years, Sometimes it feels like it and other times it just doesn't seem that long.
I just know that I enjoy every minute I have with my kids. Before I know it they will be moved out, on missions, married, at school and having their own kids. I have tried not to stress the small things, and enjoy the small things.


Tiffany said...

Amen! I am DREADING Zerin being gone all day now, but I have never been so glad that I had an October baby :) She missed the deadline, so I have one more year.

I love it that you said you enjoy it and that you try not to stress the small things but enjoy the small things. I need to be more like you, that's for sure!

Anonymous said...

I think time is speeding up on us. I am right there with you. One day you'll wake up and your kids will have kids, be on missions, it will be their wedding day or graduation for HS or college even. Not ready for all that....slow down time. Let us enjoy our moments now because they will be gone tomorrow.

allison wright said...

Happy (belated) Anniversary! What beautiful flowers. I cannot believe Joshie's in 7th grade and little Mare Bear is going to Kindergarten! I was with Nicole Knighton the other night and we were talking about how great you and your family are. Love you Heidi and am so glad you marriend into our family 13 years ago! Alli

Unknown said...

It seriously seems like the older I get the faster time goes by- why is that?

Carter Clan said...

I'm right with ya Heidi.. although when I'm pregnant time slows right back down again!