Monday, August 18, 2008

Things that Piss me off

The title is Things that Piss me off.

So today I got an e-mail about some stupid a-- weirdos trying to get us to change our National motto "In God we trust". Why can't people just leave things alone? Why can't they mind their own damn buisness. Do people not realize that this world is all ready going to hell in a hand basket. Now we have to explain to our kids why so and so has two moms or dads. My kids are already prevy to more crap than I was at the age of 14. What is this world coming to? Weirdos just need to go back to being seen and not heard, well not even being seen. Any ways sorry for the stong opinion.


Tiffany said...

And, THAT is why I love you :)

Aislinn said...


Carter Clan said...

Strong opinion nothing.. I AGREE!!! Let's start a movements MAWAHK Mothers Against Weirdows, A-holes, Homo's and Krackheads.. what do you think?