Monday, June 16, 2008


So my in-laws took my boy's for about 5 days. They went to their cabin and played on 4wheelers and motorcycles.I was kind of nervous to let them go for that many days, but realized what that ment for me. I know that sounds weird, but at the most they have been gone over night. Any way while they were gone my stress level went down so much. I missed them, but there was No teasing or crying over chores, No name calling, and the house stayed clean. It was nice. We went and picked them up lastnight, and today I am about ready to send them back. Why is it that they are perfect when they're with other? All I have heard today is Mom Josh called me a name, Mom Josh touched me AGAIN, MOM, MOM! I didn't make the mess. What to do. I tell you what I want to do is beat them and send them all to bed. I know we all have those days. I wonder am I expecting too much from them. All they ever say is that my friends don't have to do chores. All we ever do is chores. This is the rule. They know what their chores are. They wrote them down and signed the paper, if their chores aren't done by noon then they don't get to play. I am trying to raise good kids who know how to take care of themselves, not pieces of crap who have No idea how to clean or cook. Oh now that I have vented I feel much better.


Christy Woolston said...

You can let your kiddos read this...All of my kids from Erik down to Sarah have chores that they are in charge of so here is proof that they are not the only ones and they are not being picked on. It is a parents responsibility to teach kids such things.

Aislinn said...

Your boys are good boys and one day they will appreciate your efforts and call you blessed! My kids have chores too and they have the attitude that goes with it - "This isn't fair", or "UGH - why do I get bathroom duty again?"
Good luck - we're all in that boat at one time or another!