Friday, February 8, 2008

Tag, You're IT

8 things I’m passionate about:
1. My Husband,our relationsip,marriage
2. My Children
3. My Family (parents,sibilings)
4. Journaling
5. Standing Up for what is right.
6. Friendship
7. Trusting my Children
8. Honesty

8 things I say often:
1. What
2. Are your chores done?
3. Do you have homework?
4. Is your room spotless?
5. Don't get involved!
6. Keep your hands to yourself!
7. I love you!
8. Have a great day!

8 books I’ve read recently (or am reading now)
1. The Book of Mormon.
2. Chicken Noodle soup for the soul
3. The Westing House
4. Thwegiving Tree
5. heartlifters for women
6. The Language of Courage and Inner Strength
7. The lesson
8. My Journal

8 things I want to do before I die:
1. Go to Greece
2. Disney World
3. Open a Little library for kids, where There is story time and crafts everyday
4. Know the Scriptures better
5. To teach people that they can be a listener and not a gossip
6. To teach my family that you don't always come first
7. Be a great example to my Children
8. Change some parts of me

8 songs I can listen to over and over again, and probably have (this is a hard one, there are so many by so many different artists in different genres)

1. The Dance, Garth Brooks
2. I'll follow you into the dark
3. I've been watching you, Trace Attkins
4. Big Girls don't cry, Pink
5. You're my Angel , Shaggy
6. Daddy's Hands
7. Baby Blue
8. Grandpa by The Judds

8 things that attract me to my friends:

1. Funny
2. Reliable
3. A good listener
4. Interesting
5. Common Interests
6. Honest
7. Thoughtful
8. Loyal

8 things I learned in the last year:

1. That it is okay to pray when your mad at God!
2. That being a MOM is hard (I knew that already but relearn it every year)! thats a good one Christy.
3. That I will stand up for my kids and not let adults push them around.
4. That sometimes our childrens trials are as much for us as they are for them.
5. That I always need to be progressing.
6. That my boys are growing up
7. That you can teach an old dog a new trick(HaHa)
8. That when I get good at my calling I get released

I tag my mom, Kim Freeman, Amy


kelly said...

I love your ambition for the childrens library. What a great idea!

Anonymous said...

It's so fun to read these and learn interesting things about friends. Thanks for being you!

Amy said...

I was recently tagged with this one too! I'll look at it and perhaps re-post it or change some things. Either way, thanks for the tag!